Jordan, Ma'an, Shobak The King's High way
Al-Shoubak District
Jordan Landmarks
Aqaba Snorkelling
Dead Sea
Mount Nebo
Petra Royal Tombs
Roman Jerash
Wadi Rum Deserts

Jordan Landmarks

Tour Overview :

 Tips for sustainable travel on this trip


  • Leave no trace: We do all we can to ensure we leave no litters behind in the wild and beautiful places we visit. If there are no recycling facilities in-country, we’d ask you to consider bringing recyclable materials home with you.
  • Plastic waste reduction: Please bring your own re-usable water bottle on this trip; filtered water will be provided where tap water is not drinkable.
  • Cultural respect:
    • Some Jordanians especially women and the elderly object to being photographed so please ask first.
    • Jordanians are very proud of their country and can be offended if you take pictures of anything ‘negative’ or suggestive of poverty. Photography in military zones and strategic areas like public buildings is prohibited.
    • Handshaking is only between members of the same sex.
    • It's polite to use only your right hand when eating something without cutlery and when handing money and small objects to someone else.
    • It is common practice to remove one’s shoes before entering a mosque or someone’s home and you should tuck them under if sitting on the floor. It is respectful for women to cover their heads with a scarf when entering a mosque. Please note many mosques are not open for tourist visits.
    • Generally men’s and women’s clothing should cover shoulders and be on or below the knee.
    • During the holy month of Ramadan Muslims refrain from eating, drinking, and smoking during daylight hours. Even chewing gum is considered haram. (forbidden). Although foreigners are not expected to follow these practices it is respectful to be discrete and not eat, drink, or smoke in general public.
    • Making the effort to fit in is invariably appreciated so being aware of these aspects of cultural respect will assist you during your travels in Jordan.

Tour Itineraries

Today is arrival day.  There are no planned activities for today so you can arrive anytime.  
If you arrive early enough, you might like to take the opportunity to explore the streets and souks of downtown Amman independently.
Amman is the capital city of Jordan and home to almost half of the country’s population.  The eclectic mix of cultures in the city means there is a wide choice of cafes and restaurants to try.  If you have the time, you could visit one of the numerous museums scattered throughout or just soak up the vibrant atmosphere of the city.
If you would like to receive a complimentary transfer today, you will need to arrive at Queen Alia International Airport (AMM), which is approximately a 30-minute drive to the hotel. Most flights arrive late in the evening so your tour leader will meet you for the welcome meeting on the morning of day two. This evening you will find information including meeting times on our hotel notice board near reception.
Grade: Premium Hotel


This morning we take a short 30-mile drive north of the capital to the ancient Jerash where will explore the magnificent Roman complex.
Jerash was populated for over 6,500 years. Once ruled by the Romans after being conquered by General Pompey in 64BC, the city became one of a confederation of ten important Middle Eastern cities, known as the Decapolis League. 
The dry climate in Jerash and the way the ruins were preserved in sand before excavation means this ancient site is renowned for being one of the best preserved Roman provincial towns and archaeological sites outside of Italy. 
Entering the site through the imposing Hadrian’s arch, we will take a leisurely pace to explore the colonnaded streets, hilltop temples, striking theatres and chariot racing stadium.  With the background hustle and bustle of the surrounding city it easy to reflect on how Roman life might have been here.
Jerash is still not fully discovered – it is estimated that this treasured site is only 10% of what remains to be uncovered.
After lunching in Jerash we will start the short journey back to Amman.  Here we will start our walking tour to explore the history and life of the city.
Our explorations start with a panoramic view out across the city enjoyed from its highest point, the Citadel - Jabal al-Qala perched on a hill near the centre of the city. Artefacts discovered at the site suggest that the area has been a royal city for thousands of years.  No longer inhabited, it is believed to have been fortified during the Bronze age some 3,000 - 4,000 years ago. History and time have left their mark on this site which is now like an open-air museum.  The tall pillars of the Roman Temple of Hercules remain in place and make their presence felt alongside parts of the 7th century Umayyad Palace.
As we make our way down the hill to downtown Amman, we will weave our way through the winding streets of the souk (bazaar), soaking up the ambience and taking in the aroma of the spices and Arabic delicacies on sale. At the lively fruit and vegetable market near the Grand (King Hussein) Mosque, delicious looking produce is sold by competing vendors melodiously calling out to attract the passing shoppers: a true Middle Eastern experience. 
We will finish today’s tour in an old-style cafe whose interior takes you on a journey through time to experience the cafes in the early days of Amman.
Grade: Premium Hotel


After an early breakfast we will depart to start our journey to Madaba.  It will take us approximately 90 minutes from Amman so we will aim to leave promptly.
Also known as the ‘City of Mosaics’ Madaba has a strong Christian heritage and is a bustling city which is renowned for its Byzantine era mosaics, the most famous of which is the 6th century map which is believed to be the oldest surviving map of the holy land.
We continue our trip with a short 20-minute journey to Mount Nebo.
This tranquil panoramic site is referenced in the Old Testament as the place that Moses once stood to look over the Promised Land.  Mount Nebo is an important pilgrimage site and is home to many beautifully preserved mosaics found in the ancient basilica.  On a clear day you can see views out across the Dead Sea, Bethlehem and Jerusalem.
We continue our journey south along the 5000 year old Kings Highway to Kerak – following the footsteps of traders, armies and pilgrims who came before us.
Kerak castle sits imposingly on a rocky outcrop next to the road and is considered to be one of the greatest Crusader castles ever built. We will explore the maze of stone-vaulted halls and passageways of this ancient stronghold which was strategically important and one of a chain of fortresses built for the Holy War against Islam.
After a day packed full of visiting important historical sites, we embark on a short drive to Petra - without doubt Jordan's most valuable treasure. 
We will spend the next couple of days here exploring the beauty of Petra, the city carved from the stone surrounding it, learning the history if this awe-inspiring UNESCO Heritage site.
If your tour started on a Saturday, we arrive in time to take an optional candlelight tour of the ancient city. 
This ethereal place is enhanced by the flames of candles lighting up the Siq trail as you walk towards the Treasury where you will see a cultural presentation, creating a magical experience.
Grade: Comfortable Hotel

We will spend the next 2 days exploring one of the wonders of the world and discovering the history of this magical city.
Our entrance fee for both days is included which gives us time to for an in-depth visit.
The city of Petra, also known as the Rose City, is a UNESCO World Heritage site.  It is an ancient archaeological city carved out of the rocks surrounding it by the Nabateans over 2000 years ago.
So much has been written about this site which was re-discovered by the Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt in 1812, but nothing prepares you for what you will discover in this place which was hidden from the Western world for over 500 years.
We begin the day with a guided tour of some of the key areas of Petra.  The rest of the day will be exploring in your own time.
Most of what can be seen today was built by the Nabataeans - an Arab community who settled in Petra more than 2,500 years ago and who grew their wealth from tax proceeds from the passing silk and spice trade. 
Petra is a vast collection of elaborate tombs and religious buildings and high points built and carved into the surrounding sandstone cliffs.
Set deep inside a narrow desert gorge, Petra is accessed through a 1KM chasm with towering walls known as the Siq.  The path twists and turns until you reach the majestic Treasury appearing in front of you. 
Carved into the dusky-pink rock face, the Treasury is miraculously well preserved, and the sheer size of this ornate structure represents the engineering genius of the Nabatean people.  The conduit water system within the city is another example of how progressive and skilled they were.
Walking further into the city takes you passed many more impressive sites: tombs and temples, colonnaded streets and the huge theatre. You will find yourself immersed in history.
Please note: Depending on your chosen departure date, the hotel location in the Petra area may vary.  All hotels we use are three star and are either located a 5-10-minute walk from the visitor centre or a 25-minute walk from the visitor centre to the town of Wadi Musa. 
For groups based in Wadi Musa, transport will be provided to and from Petra Visitor Centre on day 4 and on day 5 the options are a 25-minute walk or a taxi for around £2-£4 each way. Please ask your sales Consultant or refer to your final documentation for a final hotel list.
Grade: Comfortable Hotel


Our second day in Petra is your time to explore independently.  Walk through the Street of Facades, climb the steep path to the 'High Place of Sacrifice' for a stunning view over Wadi Araba or trek up to the impressive 'Monastery'.
After your day of exploring, we will visit a local family run restaurant for a demonstration of traditional Bedouin cookery before we enjoy our evening meal
Edom Hotel (or similar)
Grade: Comfortable Hotel


Today we set off to explore Wadi Rum desert and experience life as a Bedouin.  Leaving in the morning our bus will take us to Wadi Rum visitor centre where we will transfer to 4WD vehicles for a 2-hour drive across the red desert.
Occupying 74000 acres, Wadi Rum has monolithic outcrops of granite rock and sandstone which rise out of the desert with a drifting blanket of sand between them. 
The Bedouins learnt to live with this hostile environment 3000 years ago. Understanding the importance of keeping moving to live with the elements and find food and water, the camel was an ideal livestock to help their lifestyle.  This afternoon we have the chance to experience a camel ride and learn about this precious alliance between the dromedary and the nomads.
After sunset, we enjoy the Bedouin hospitality around the campfire under a blanket of stars; a great setting to share stories while sipping mint and sage tea. A traditional zarb, consisting of a chicken or a goat meat (vegetarian options available) cooked under the desert sand, is served as well as a delicious selection of mezze.
The campsite we use presents the opportunity to experience traditional Bedouin living arrangements in a large communal style goat hair tent, which provides the best protection against typical desert extremes of hot and cold weather. The tent is laid out with rugs, mattresses, pillows and blankets and is where each tribe would commune to eat, sleep and socialize, as well as a fire pit to sit around and enjoy some local sweet tea. 
A toilet and wash block with limited washing facilities is also available during our stay. Private tents can be paid for locally should you wish, subject to availability.
Grade: Comfortable Tented Camp


After a busy schedule of exploring over the past few days, today we can enjoy a relaxing day in Aqaba on the Red Sea. Famed for its preserved coral reefs and unique sea life, your Leader will be on hand to arrange an optional snorkeling trip.
If snorkeling is not for you, there are several beaches to choose from or you can spend the afternoon drinking tea in one of the many cafes.
Grade: Premium Hotel

We will depart Aqaba for a four-hour drive to the Dead Sea.
Officially the lowest point on the earth's surface, this unique water body has an amazingly high salt content (33%) which means that no animal life survives, and it is almost impossible to sink. The experience of floating naturally is unique and relaxing on the calm sea. 
Here we can enjoy a couple of hours on the tourist beach, floating in the sea and maybe cover yourself in the mineral rich mud? You will be able to purchase drinks and snacks and use the shower facilities.
Finally, we drive on to Amman and spend our last night in the bustling capital with free time to do some last-minute shopping and sightseeing. To mark the end of your trip, you may choose to enjoy a traditional or cosmopolitan meal, washed down with some excellent Jordanian wine, in one of the capital's many restaurants.
Grade: Premium Hotel

The trip ends after breakfast at our hotel in Amman.
There are no activities planned today, so you are free to depart from Amman at any time. If your flight is departing later in the day, luggage storage facilities are available at our hotel. If you would like to receive a complimentary airport transfer today, you need to depart from Queen Alia International Airport (AMM), which a 30 minutes' drive.